Charles and Virginia on Beach

How We Met: Her Version

Charles and I had an environmental class together our first semester at UNC. I remember him as the guy who sat on the left end of the table and wore “Little Hawk Marching Band” shirts all the time. My first memory of an interaction with Charles was when he made fun of me in class. I talked to people before class started, of course, and happened to notice that I was the only one talking all of a sudden (everyone had been talking a moment earlier, in my defense). So I said something about it, and Charles said, ”Well look at the clock!” We still fight about it sometimes. Judiciously, my second memory of a specific interaction with Charles was to note that he loved German windmills above all else. We really became better friends because of that class and marching band together. Our recitation finished 10 minutes before rehearsal started, so we would race each other to rehearsal. I won more than he did, because even though he had a bike he also had a tuba to deal with.

How We Met: His Version

Virginia and I had two classes together in our first semester at Carolina: marching band, and an introductory environmental studies course.  We may never have really met in band, as it’s a large group and she played piccolo, while I am a tuba player.  Our environmental course was an honors section, however, with only 20 or so people, and that is where we met.  I will always remember walking from my boring calculus class in Philips hall across the quad to our environmental class in Graham Memorial one day when Virginia snuck up behind me and yanked on my backpack, shouting, “Guess who!”  It sounds childish, but it was actually very cute, and I remember looking for her on my walk between classes after that.  She will probably try to tell you something about how I noticed her because she talked a lot and she noticed me because I liked German windmills so much.  But don’t put too much stock in that.  As much as I like teasing her about our professor waiting for her to finish her conversation to start class, it is still the walk there that I remember most.  Plus, they are wind turbines, not windmills.  And they are awesome.


Wind Turbine

How We Started Dating: Her Version

We didn’t see each other too much in the beginning of our second semester, but luckily I am in the women’s music fraternity and he’s in the men’s. The boys host a formal dance each year out of town, and an older couple that also spanned the two fraternities convinced Charles to ask me to go with him. At first I thought of Charles as just a friend, but he took me on some subtle date-like nights so we could make sure we knew each other well enough to have a good time at formal (or so I thought at the time). By the time we went to the dance I had a crush on him. That weekend in Virginia Beach was really fun, and as soon as I realized he liked the beach and dancing my crush intensified. We started dating that weekend.


How We Started Dating: His Version

I invited Virginia to my chapter of Phi Mu Alpha’s annual formal at Virginia Beach on April 3, 2004 because she was a friend who I knew I could endure the four-hour car-ride with without too much awkwardness, and have a good time with over the weekend.  We did have a good time together playing mini golf and football on the beach with our other friends, but I started to feel differently about Virginia after spending the evening dancing with her.  We shared our first kiss on the beach after the dance, and we’ve been together ever since.

© 2007 Evan Carroll